Monday, July 14, 2008

About Us

Enhanced Color
With Ultracolor you will see improved colors enhanced with natural iridescence in jut two weeks.

The Right Balance In One Food
You no longer have to purchase one food to enhance the color of your fish, another for spiruliana, one for garlic and still another food for clear and clean water. At Ultracolor, we believe that all the good stuff should be in one food, it's great for your fish and it's easier for you.

Dramatic Health Advantages
Our propriety blend of bioceuticals will quickly and dramatically improve your fish's ability to fight disease and parasites. This propriety technology will significantly reduce the aggressive tendencies between fish in a community tank. We have designed our foods for improved health, long life and great taste...

Zero Carbohydrate Advantage
Scientific research shows protein is highly digestible by most fish, carbohydrates are not, poorly digested ingredients pollute your tank. Most foods have more than 30% carbs; Ultracolor is the first to formulate 5 fish foods without using any cereal grains, grain proteins, glutens, carbohydrates, starches or fibers. We use only sea-based protein sources, like spirullana, that contain very small amounts of carbs. Our highly digestible protein rich foods are great for your fish, great for your tank and great for your pocketbook.

Sinking Vs. Floating
Fish prefer eating a sinking pellet, watch how they attack the food. You can actually see your fish as they feed in the lower region of the tank unlike floating foods where the fish only hang out at the waters surface where they are hard to observe.

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